The Three-Minute Breathing Space
Sep 24, 2023Here are all the resources you need to master the Three Minute Breathing Space.
Note: this page is just a quickly made download page for people I’ve already talked to about the 3MBS, so if I haven’t talked to you about it, or if you want some help with it, please reach out with questions in the Blissipline group:
If you master this technique, you will experience a new level of calm, presence and emotional stability that will make everything you do easier and more effective.
But the trick is, that you must master it to experience that.
And to master it, you must practice. You must do it many times.
And then, it will work! This practice has made a huge difference in the lives of the people who have found a way to practice it regularly.
I recommend three scheduled times daily for at least two weeks. If you do that, that you will feel the benefit of it, and once you have experienced it that way, you can begin to do it when you think of it, and see how that goes.
Please use the Blissipline group for support if you want help getting your momentum going. You can post in there, and even get a buddy to practice it with you if that appeals to you. Here’s that link again:
Below are the tools you need to practice the Three-Minute Breathing Space. Please reach out with any questions.
This file is designed to be downloaded on your computer. It is a zip containing:
- A recorded guide
- A pdf with instructions
- A pdf for tracking
Or if you’re on your phone, you can access the three files here.
1. Here’s the recording for you to follow along:
2. Here are the instructions:
3. And here is the tracking sheet:
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